dream the dreamの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5
  1. Every contestant in the Open has allowed himself to dream the dream.
  2. Basulto still dreams the dream of many in his generation.
  3. The young dream the dreams that their parents dreamed.
  4. You've got to dream the dreams.
  5. If you dare to dream the dream, you also need to feel the hunger.


  1. "dream teamer"の例文
  2. "dream teams"の例文
  3. "dream telepathy"の例文
  4. "dream temple"の例文
  5. "dream that"の例文
  6. "dream the impossible dream"の例文
  7. "dream theater"の例文
  8. "dream theater discography"の例文
  9. "dream theatre"の例文
  10. "dream theory"の例文
  11. "dream temple"の例文
  12. "dream that"の例文
  13. "dream the impossible dream"の例文
  14. "dream theater"の例文

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